Monday, September 25, 2017

For Monday, 10/2/17

Social Studies/Geography

  • Print and Complete Map Skills #3
  • Optional-
    • Complete the worksheet given in class on continents & oceans.
    • Map Skills #4 (Optional-- It goes along with our lesson, but parents can use it if you'd like something extra!)

  • Remember -- The goal is not to check this off of your list, but to work on improving!
  • Do page 11 (Corner Starting Capitals)
  • Do page 12 (Center Starting Capitals)

  • Keep thinking about common and proper nouns!
  • Bring in the address that you will send your letter to.  (Parents, they began writing a letter in class... we just need the address of their friend/family member so we can learn to address an envelope and actually send them in the mail!)

  • Study The Caterpillar

  • A couple of people forgot to bring in the black and white composition notebook/journals to class to class.  Just bring them in next week!
  • This week's journal entry-- Write a story about Sprinkle and Sprite!

  • I finally found a free copy of the Magic Schoolbus episode that we talked about!  Click here!  :-)

Monday, September 18, 2017

To do by 9/25/17

  • I want you to think about the goats that we have on our farm.  In your journal (the black and white one that I gave you in class), write me a little story that uses the goats as characters!  
    • Remember my rule-- No stressing out aloud!  

Handwriting -
  • We worked on capital letters that we call "Frog Jump Capitals".  This is because you have to pick up your pencil and "jump" back to the top during the letter.  When working on these sheets, the point is not to simply complete them, but to start at the top and then jump back up to the top.  Work on perfection!
  • Here are some worksheets to work on this week to help review the Frog Jump!  (No work in the workbook this week... just these sheets!)

  • Our first poem will be "The Caterpillar".  They have a copy of the poem in their binders. 
    • Have students work on memorizing the poem over the next couple weeks!

History/Social Studies
  • We began with map skills in class.  At home, I have some sheets to help them work on the skills we learned in class. 


Monday, September 11, 2017

Things to do before Monday...

Hello class!  I really hate that we had to cancel our first day, but I promise we will make it up to you with an extra special first day next week!

For now, Ms. Gina and I would like for you to spend some time on the following things:


  • We will be learning all about our Earth, the globe, and how to read a map.  For now, check out this video!

Using your very best handwriting, tell me about your hurricane experience!  How did your family prepare?  Did you stay home?  Tell me about it... and bring your story to class!