- Print and Complete Map Skills #3
- Optional-
- Complete the worksheet given in class on continents & oceans.
- Map Skills #4 (Optional-- It goes along with our lesson, but parents can use it if you'd like something extra!)
- Remember -- The goal is not to check this off of your list, but to work on improving!
- Do page 11 (Corner Starting Capitals)
- Do page 12 (Center Starting Capitals)
- Keep thinking about common and proper nouns!
- Bring in the address that you will send your letter to. (Parents, they began writing a letter in class... we just need the address of their friend/family member so we can learn to address an envelope and actually send them in the mail!)
- Study The Caterpillar
- A couple of people forgot to bring in the black and white composition notebook/journals to class to class. Just bring them in next week!
- This week's journal entry-- Write a story about Sprinkle and Sprite!
- I finally found a free copy of the Magic Schoolbus episode that we talked about! Click here! :-)