Monday, September 24, 2018

For 9/24-9/28

Monday FreeRangers

If you need a book report card, just ask in class!  These are much larger than typical index cards so they fit in the plastic sleeves in our class book review folder.  (They are 5" x 8")

REMINDER-- There will be NO CLASS the week of October 8th-12th!

Language Arts
  • Read chapters 10-14 in Northern Lights.  
  • When you learn about a plant, animal, place/landform, add it to your (GREEN) Field Guide!   You have three sections that we created.  You can make notes, glue down or draw pictures, write explanations or definitions.... whatever you'd like!  We will continue to share these in class and add to them as we learn more! (Make sure to add things to your Canada page!)  Use websites, books, or encyclopedias to learn more about the things that pop up in the book!  I LOVED hearing all about things you found in last week's reading!
  • Complete the vocabulary sheet for chapters 10-14  Use this as practice looking up words in the dictionary!  (Don't worry about writing all of the words in the definition!  Find the meaning that our author is using in the book and just write it in your own words.)
    • They did a GREAT JOB with the vocabulary review that we did in class! 

  • We talked about NOUNS again in class.  A noun is a word that is a person, place, thing, or idea.  I will leave the noun games up this week, just in case you didn't have time to play them last week.
  • In class, we learned about nouns that we can touch, see, hear, smell, or taste (people, places, and things).  These are called CONCRETE nouns. We also learned that some nouns cannot be seen, felt, heard, etc.  These IDEA nouns are also called ABSTRACT nouns.  
  • In class next week, we will be talking about common and proper nouns.  Check out this video to learn about common, proper, abstract, and concrete nouns!
  • Make sure not to lose your grammar card!  We will be adding more to your ring throughout the year.
    • Here is a game to help you practice identifying nouns!
    • Try this one!  Pop the bubbles for each noun.  (Choose "Identify the Nouns in the Sentence" to begin!)

Great job with the continents!!!  We're now going to focus on North America.  Please show your parents the map coloring that we worked on in class.  Show them the map KEY and talk about the countries in North America.  (Do you remember why some people consider Greenland part of Europe and some consider in part of North America?  We will be using geographical location in our continent study this year instead of political or cultural similarities.)  
  • Click here and practice your continents and oceans!  Drag the pieces to the correct spot on the map.
  • Read both sides of the North America sheet in your yellow folder.  Read carefully!  
    • Come up with 2 questions about the information on the two sheets.  Write down each question on an index card, and write the answers on the back.  We are going to play a game in class!

  • In your black science notebook, please finish coloring & decorating the title page (if you want to!).  
  • Next, turn to the page with the little Classification Flip Book.  Choose ONE word from the top page and use it to complete the second page.
  • Next, make up an imaginary animal!  Draw a picture and describe this animal.  Does it have fur? scales? How many legs does it have?  Tell about where it lives and what it eats.  The more detail the better!  (Those of you who already starting coming up with your animal can add these details and more!  We will be doing a Classification activity with them in class, and details will help!)

Farm Fusion Journal Assignment  Choices
  • Thank you SO MUCH for doing such a great job with these!
  • Here are your writing choices for next week:
    • What was your favorite part of our field trip?  Explain what it was like and why it was your favorite part!
    • Choose a time period from the last 200 years.  Research what farm life was like for families and children at that time.  Tell us all about it!  

  • Snack
  • Lunch
  • Water Bottle
  • Yellow Folder with assignments to turn in
  • Tuition
  • Green Field Guide Notebook
  • Black Science Notebook
  • Northern Lights Book
  • Red Writing Journal
  • 3-Ring Binder with paper
  • Pencil

Monday, September 17, 2018

For 9/17- 9/21

Monday FreeRangers

Language Arts
  • Read chapters 6-9 in Northern Lights.
  • When the book mentions a location, see if you can find it on your map.  Highlight any place that is mentioned.
  • Complete the vocabulary sheet for chapters 6-9.  Use this as practice looking up words in the dictionary!  (Don't worry about writing all of the words in the definition!  Find the meaning that our author is using in the book and just write it in your own words.)
    • They did a GREAT JOB with the Chapters 1-5 vocabulary words in class! 
  • As you read about places, plants, and animals in your book, add them to your (GREEN) Field Guide!   You have three sections that we created.  Just add information that you find You don't have to write a lot about them, unless you find them really interesting!  (Make a Canada page!! You'll have a LOT to add as you read!)
  • We talked about NOUNS in class.  A noun is a word that is a person, place, thing, or idea.  Explain to your parents how a noun can be an idea.  Can you think of some examples?
    • Here is a game to help you practice identifying nouns!
    • Try this one!  Pop the bubbles for each noun.  (Choose "Identify the Nouns in the Sentence" to begin!)
There is a worksheet in your yellow folder.... THROW IT AWAY!  I looked through many sheets, and this one was supposed to be on an easier reading level... but it does not have accurate facts!  Just throw this away!
Use this one, instead!!
  • If you didn't watch the videos and learn about last week's geography material, you might want to go back and catch up!
  • Here is a silly video that helps you remember the seven continents!  We will be talking about them more in class... and we will soon start to spend time studying each continent!

  • If you completed the sheets from last week that went along with the website, please put them in your 3-ring binder so you don't lose them!
  • If you didn't read through the websites last week, go back and catch up!  It will be hard for us to play the games, do the activities, and have discussions each week if we don't do the at-home assignments.
  • I gave you TWO half-sheets of paper in class.  They are in your yellow folder.  The first one says "Classification".  Read the directions and jot down all of the words you can think of!  You can even go back and review the website from last week to spark your memory!  You can even color this sheet to make it stand out... we will be doing something cool with it in class!
  • You have another sheet that has three columns: Know, Want to Know, and Learned.
    • In the first column, write down things that you already know about classification. Some of you have learned about this before, and we have also talked about it in class.... but don't worry if you don't have a lot to write here!
    • In the middle column, write down anything you want to find out about classifying living things.  Do you have any questions?  Anything you want to learn?  Write it here!
    • Leave the third column BLANK!!!!
    • Put these in your yellow folder and bring them back to class! 

Farm Fusion Journal Assignment  Choices
  • Imagine you are a hen or a rooster.  In your own words, describe the molting process.
  • Write a story or a poem about fall on a farm.  (It's not just about the weather... Remember, we talked about how the days get shorter?)

Sunday, September 9, 2018

For 9/11-9/14

Monday FreeRangers

Parents, I gave the students a challenge!  When they read a book "just for fun", they can pick up a big index card from me and complete a short, simple "book report", which is also a book review.  We will be keeping all of these book reviews in a binder that I will keep in our library area.  That way, they can look and see what books their friends recommend!  If they (as a class) complete 25 cards, we will have a pizza party.  I realize that I may regret that number (they MAY complete that many sooner than I expected!), but I wanted to make an attainable goal and not over-shoot things!

Language Arts

ð      Read chapters 3-5 in Northern Lights.

ð      When the book mentions a location, see if you can find it on your map.  Highlight any place that is mentioned.

  • In your 3-ring binder, add a divider tab for "Reading" and one for "Grammar".  I am going to encourage the students to keep their completed work in an organized way to help foster great study habits!  After they bring their work back to class in their weekly folders and we discuss them, they will add it to their 3-ring binders.
★ Complete the vocabulary sheet for chapters 1-5.  Use this as practice looking up words in the dictionary!  (Don't worry about writing all of the words in the definition!  Find the meaning that our author is using in the book and just write it in your own words.)

"Diving Deeper" Journal Entry Choices

★ The M’Kmaq Indians had a legend about how the tides from at the Bay of Fundy.  Make up your own legend that explains something that happens in nature.  (Some examples - why a thunderstorm roars, why there is snow, how the stars got in the sky, what makes the waves of the ocean, why an animal looks a certain way, etc.)

 If you need another example of a legend, here is a video that you can watch! 

★ Do some research to find out about totem poles.  What are they?  Why were they made? Who made them?  Write all about them and share with the class!

  • Add a divider tab for "Geography" in your 3-ring binder.
  • Visit this website.  Read through and review what we learned in class about the globe.  Click "next" at the bottom of the page to learn more about latitude, longitude, and more!
ð      Watch this video to review what we learned. 

★  Here is another video that can get a little confusing… but the Prime (or Greenwich Meridian) and the International Dateline can just be a little confusing! Don't worry... just enjoy!

  • Add a divider tab for "Science" in your 3-ring binder.
ð      Here is a song that helps explain the Classification of Living Things. (Remember when we talked about Carolus Linnaeus??)

Farm Fusion Journal Assignment for 9/17

  • If you could be ANY animal, what would it be?  Tell us why!