Monday, May 6, 2019

5/7 - 5/10

May Tuition is past due!

Our Last Day of School Party will be during LUNCH from 11:00-12:30!  
If you would like to bring in a drink, treat, snack, etc, just let me know and I will start a list.  We'll be playing outdoor games, and I will have popsicles!
  • Popsicles
  • Fruit Tray
  • Jello Cups
  • Juice Boxes
  • Cookies
  • Water Bottles

**I will have a link to ALL OF THE PICTURES taken throughout the year.  There are a billion... and you'll be able to pick through and save any that you'd like!  Also, I will have a link to purchase the year's worth of blog post descriptions and pictures in a hard bound book.  You can order directly from the company if you'd like to get one!**

Language Arts
  • Go back over all of your grammar cards... We will have a review game!

Swiss Family Robinson

  • If you didn't bring your Africa flip book to class, please bring it on Monday!


Monday, April 29, 2019

4/29 - 5/3

Our Last Day of School Party will be during LUNCH from 11:00-12:30!  
If you would like to bring in a drink, treat, snack, etc, just let me know and I will start a list.  We'll be playing outdoor games, and I will have popsicles!

  • Popsicles
  • Fruit Tray
  • Jello Cups

Farm Fusion Writing Assignment

  • In class, we played a game called Barn Cats & Field Mice.  Our barn cats are doing an awesome job on the farm!  Write a story about the three rescue cats and their new adventures on the farm.  Don't forget to use quotation marks if needed!

Swiss Family Robinson

Reader's Journal (choose ONE)
  • Imagine that YOUR FAMILY was the family that was stranded on the island.  Write a chapter of the story with your family as the characters!
  • Ostriches are amazing birds!  Research ostriches and write a few paragraphs describing them, their habitat, and reasons why they are raised on farms.  (No, Miss Holly will NEVER have ostriches on her farm!!! YIKES!)

  • With help from parents, do some research on Africa and complete the flip book that is in your folder.


Monday, April 22, 2019

4/22 - 4/26

Show and Tell Next Week!

Parents, we will have our end of the year party from 1:30-2:45 on May 13th.  I have oversized yard checkers, sacks for sack races, corn hole boards, and a giant parachute.  Feel free to bring in an outdoor game if you have one. 
I'll have popsicles!  If you'd like to bring in a goodie, drink, etc, just let me know!

Language Arts
  • We learned about quotation marks in class.  There are some tricky punctuation rules when it comes to using quotation marks at the beginning or middle of a sentence.  Click here and complete this sheet for practice. 
    • Put it in your yellow folder!

Swiss Family Robinson
  • Read chapters 12-15 of Swiss Family Robinson.
  • Answer the questions in your notebook for these chapters.
  • If you come upon any tricky words, bring them in to add to our word wall!
  • Add things to your field guide!  There are SO MANY things to add in this book!  We'll be sharing these in class next week!

Reader's Journal (choose ONE)
  • Ernest came up with a poem for the donkey.  Try to write your own poem!  It can be about any scene in the book OR you can write it for an animal on the farm.
  • Research boa constrictors.  Write 2-3 paragraphs on the animal, where they are found, what/how they eat, etc.



Monday, April 15, 2019

4/16 - 4/19

  • Rock Eagle Trip Final Payment due 4/17
    • We need to be at Rock Eagle by 10:15.  Either meet us there or caravan from the schoolhouse at 8:15.
  • Last day of class May 13th

Farm Fusion Writing Assignment (Choose one)

  • We made a simple "farmer's cheese" or "chevre" in class.  What did you think about this process?  Was it what you expected?  
  • Research the chemistry behind cheese making!  Why does acid make milk curdle?  What is rennet, and why is it used?  What other acids are used besides rennet?
  • Although chevre has been made for centuries all over the world, it is commonly thought of as a French cheese.  Research the history of French cheesemaking, and tell us about it!

Swiss Family Robinson
  • Read chapters 8-11 in Swiss Family Robinson.
  • Write down all of the "tricky words" you find.  Bring them in and we will add them to our word wall!
  • Complete the new pages in your Swiss Family Robinson folder.

Reader's Journal 
  • Swiss Family Robinson was written 200 years ago!  Write about how differently it would be if the Robinson Family was shipwrecked in modern time.  



Monday, April 8, 2019

4/9 - 4/12

Eggs - $4 dozen  /  $5 for $18!
Sold out of pork

Farm Fusion Writing Assignment (OPTIONAL)

  • Your choice!  Be as creative as you want to be!

Language Arts
  • Study your grammar cards.
  • If you need to practice identifying the four types of sentences, try this game!

Swiss Family Robinson
  • Read chapters 5-7
  • Complete the pages in your Swiss Family Robinson Notebook for chapters 5-7.  
    • The bottom of the third page has four different suggestions that you could add to your field guide!  (You don't have to write down information that you find on this sheet... just add them to your field guide.)
  • Write down any "Tricky Words" as you go!  Write down the definitions and bring them to class to add to our poster!  You can print this page or write on the last one if there is still room!


  • In class, we talked about the 5 different types of vertebrates.  Turn to the page in your notebook with the 5 Fingers.  Under each of the fingers, write down a few characteristics of that group.  You can find the information that you need in the following video.  At first, you will review information on invertebrates.  Then, the video will talk about vertebrates.  The narrator will tell you to pause the video to read about the different types of vertebrates.  This is the information that you will need to put behind each of the 5 fingers in your notebook!
  • Read over the bottom flap on the "Gimme 5 Vertebrates" page in your science notebook.
  • Next, read the short page in your folder on Reptiles.  (Some of you were able to go ahead and glue it into your science notebook.)  Read through the page and then answer the questions.  Both of these will go in your science notebook.... go ahead and glue them down!
  • Now, watch this video on reptiles:
  • The Robinsons were headed for Australia but were stranded in South Asia.  I want you to do some research to find out about the reptiles found in Australia and in South Asia. Write about them in your science notebook, and we'll talk about them in class!

Reader's Journal (Choose One)
  • Research one of the following and write about it!  We'll share these with the class.
    • Great Barrier Reef
    • New Zealand
    • Tasmania
    • Sydney Opera House
    • Australian Alps
    • Daintree Rainforest
    • Bungle Bungle Range