Monday, October 26, 2020

Due 11/2 & 11/3


November Tuition is due!

Our last day of class before Thanksgiving Break is Monday, 11/23.


Farm Fusion

  •  Thank you so much for sharing your Farm Fusion stories in class!  We love hearing them!
  • For next class, try one of these ideas (or come up with your own)!
    • Our dogs are ALWAYS barking at the barn cats!  Use these animals as characters in your story.
    • I told you about how I had TWENTY-TWO silkie roosters to get rid of!  I came up with some really funny ideas of things someone could do with 22 silkie roosters... make a football team, team them to sing and make a silkie choir, put on a silkie play... there are so many silly ideas!  Write a story about all of these crazy, fluffy roosters!


  • No science this week!



Handwriting (please remember to bring your book back to class!)

    • Print - Complete pages 21-23 at home.  I will check them in class!
    • Blue Cursive Book - Complete p. 46-48
    • Red Book - Complete pages 29-31
    • Print - Complete pages 21-23 at home.  I will check them in class!
    • Blue Cursive Book - Complete p. 46-48
    • Red Book - Complete pages 27-29

Monday, October 19, 2020

Due 10/26 & 10/27



Parents- Kids can wear costumes if they'd like.  (You can being a change of clothes if needed.)  

Also, feel free to bring in a treat to share.  If you'd like to bring in a snack to share, here are some guidelines:

Monday - avoid nuts, soy, and corn (tree nuts and pecans) 

Tuesday- Gluten and Dairy-free options would be greatly appreciated!  We have quite a few in this class with gluten and dairy issues!

Those in Bucket Drumming Class... don't forget your drum! 

Farm Fusion (optional... but awesome!)

  •  We talked about nouns today in class.  Feel free to check out the "Nouns" section below to learn more!
  • Ideas for your Farm Fusion Stories:
    • We talked about how the donkey and horses got into the rye and clover seeds before we could plant them!  YIKES!!!  You can use this in your story this week, if you'd like!
    • Halloween!  Write any farm story that is related to Halloween.
    • Mrs. Christi read a story that used rhyming words.  See if you can write a short little story that rhymes like a poem!
    • Try a Star Wars themed story!  We have Han and Chewie (the karakachan dogs) protecting our farm... I can see great adventures in FARM WARS!  😁


Handwriting- Don't forget to bring your book back to class!!  Also, if you were absent and missed some pages in the book, you can work on those pages as well, if you'd like.

  •  Monday Class--
    • Printing Power Books-- complete pages 17 & 18.
    • Blue Cursive Kickoff Books-- complete pages 43-45
      • Parents- use the print pages at the beginning of the book if you feel that your child needs extra help creating good printing habits.
    • Red Cursive Book-- Complete pages 26-28
  • Tuesday Class-
    • Printing Power Books- work on page 20
    • Blue Cursive Kickoff Book - pages 43-45
    • Red Cursive Book - pages 22-24


 Nouns (optional)

  • Check out this BrainPop video on nouns.  Remember, they can be a person, place, thing, or idea!  (Don't let ideas trick you... if you can "have" it, it's a noun.  So, "happy
     cannot be a noun... but "happiness" IS a noun.  You can HAVE happiness, but you cannot have "happy"!)


Science (optional)

Monday, October 12, 2020

Assignments for 10/19 & 10/20

 We'll have a fun fall celebration the last week of October!  Feel free to send kids in costume!

Although we are going to try to avoid sweets, feel free to bring in any healthy snack that you'd like to share with the class!  (cheese/crackers, fruit, veggies, etc)  We have a LOT of food allergies/sensitivities, but these safe foods will be fun and festive!

 PLEASE put your name or initials on the tag of your Freebird Farm Hoodie, if you have one!  They all look the same, and I can't tell whose are whose when left behind!


Farm Fusion

  • Your stories have been wonderful!  Keep up the good work!
    • For this week, here are some ideas to spark your imagination-
      • We talked about different types of trees and leaves in class.  Write a story that involves tree, falling leaves, nature walks, leaf piles, etc.
      • Write a story about all of the cats on the farm.  (Ruff-Nut, Tuff-Nut, Mrs. Chippy, and Simon.)  You can write it as a story OR as a comic!
      • Write a story about the family of guineas that wanders the farm.  :-)
      • We made a Venn diagram during class to compare and contrast two different animals on the farm.  Make a new Venn diagram to compare and contrast two things if your choice!


Handwriting (by initials)

WR - practice cursive letters a, g, d, and c.  Work on connecting them in different ways, even if they don't make real words.  ;-)

AR- practice words such as that, hatch, chat, tag, had, cat, and That.  Also, work on lowercase cursive f.

ES and TH- Work on upper and lowercase cursive F.  Practice words such as felt, face, and fact. 

BH, EB, and AL- Practice words with lowercase t.  Make sure your t is tall!  It should touch the top line.  Also, make sure your lower case a starts at the middle line and not the bottom!  Work on words such as act, coast, too, toss, and scoot.

SW, HF, SP, MM,  & AZ - work on writing the following words (or any combinations of letters that we've worked on so far!)  cap, gap, catch, pat, path, patch, hag 

IB- Practice cursive lowercase h (remember to drop all the way down and give it two "legs"!).  Then, work on writing the following words (or any combinations of letters that we've worked on so far!)  cap, gap, catch, pat, path, patch, hag

EP, SH, KK, TT, KD, TS, & BM - keep working on letters that start like the letter "c".  Practice making words that contain the letters a, c, d, g, and q. Here is a sheet that you can use!

Science/Geography/Social Studies

Math Skip Counting Songs!
  •  In class, we are learning skip counting songs!  We've learned the 2's and 3's so far.  Practice them at home.  We'll work on them throughout the year.  (I'll keep the link at the top of this site!)

    Parents, although you are working on math at home, I would love to give supplemental, fun math lessons/games in class.  In class, we played an addition (subtraction for some) card game.  See if your child can show you how to play!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Assignments Due 10/12 & 10/13

If you are in BUCKET DRUM class.... don't forget to bring your drum and sticks!

 Parents- we are working on handwriting in our books in class.  At home, please work on correcting your child if he/she starts letters incorrectly.  When I see specific problems, I am texting/emailing parents directly so we can target each child's individual printing issues! ;-) 

Please remember to have your child bring his/her folder to class.  Monday class students have green folders, and Tuesday class students have yellow folders.  We are working on being organized and responsible, and the folders are part of the plan!  Thank you!


Keep working on starting your letters at the TOP when you print!  


 Optional At-Home Activities

Click here for a Brainpop Video and activities on Bats! (id- 255q pass-brainpop)

Bat Facts for Kids

Bat Echolocation Song

Map Skills Song

Farm Fusion

  • I would LOVE to hear more of your stories next week!  
  • Use your addition or multiplication chickens & eggs to help you learn math facts! 
    • Addition students-- see if you can get faster and faster making ways for the hens to make 10!  Memorizing these facts will help make things easier when you get to math in upper elementary!
    • Multiplication Students-- match the multiplication facts to the correct hens.
  • Did you like learning about fractals in class?  Want to learn more?  Here is a sheet you can use!