Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! See you on Zoom 11/30 & 12/1!



Thanksgiving Break - 11/24-11/27  

Zoom Only - Nov 30 & Dec 1   

MEETING ID -- 303 590 1198

We'll begin at 10:30!

Christmas Break - 12/18-1/8


**We have quite a few students that will be out the week before Christmas for travel, germ-precaution, etc.  Because of this, we are bumping our Christmas Hot Cocoa Celebration up to Dec 7 & 8.  If you need an alternative milk or alternative cocoa mix due to allergies, just bring it in that morning and our baristas can make it happen!  We'll have marshmallows, whipped cream, dairy-free whipped cream, peppermint, & chocolate chips as toppings.** 


Each of you were given a brown paper bag.  It's stapled shut, and it contains everything you'll need for our Farm Fusion craft!  If you were absent and need to get yours, just let me know!

If you are not planning to Zoom, don't worry-- I will post the instructions via Google Classroom!

Farm Fusion Stories

  • You guys come up with the BEST STORIES!!!  If you need some ideas for next week, here are some to get the creativity flowing:
    • You met Rosy the Turkey in class.  Write a story with Rosy as the character.
    • We talked about how the young Whiting Blue chickens moved into the same coop as some of the silkies.  They have totally different personalities!  Write a story about these coop-mates.


  •  Please just work on your handwriting as you complete your parent-assignment homeschool lessons. Work on correcting bad habits daily!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Due 11/16 & 11/17


Class Drop-Off is 8:45-9:00 / Pickup 2:30

Thanksgiving Break - 11/24-11/27  

Zoom Only - Nov 30 & Dec 1 (times will be posted)

Christmas Break - 12/18-1/8


**We have quite a few students that will be out the week before Christmas for travel, germ-precaution, etc.  Because of this, we are bumping our Christmas Hot Cocoa Celebration up to Dec 7 & 8.  If you need an alternative milk due to allergies, just bring it in that morning and our baristas can make it happen!  We'll have marshmallows, whipped cream, dairy-free whipped cream, peppermint, chocolate chips, etc. as toppings.** 

Farm Fusion Stories

  • You guys come up with the BEST STORIES!!!  If you need some ideas for next week, here are some to get the creativity flowing:
    • Yet again, I had to order more scoops for our morning chores.  Write about "The Mystery of the Missing Scoops"
    • We talked about how our dogs and donkey don't get along very well.  Use this in a story!
    • We talked a lot about adjectives.  Write about an animal here on the farm... but don't say what animal it is!  Use adjectives to describe the animal and we will guess to see if we can figure it out!


  •   Monday Class
    • Print - pages Complete up to page 31
    • Blue Cursive Book - Complete to page 55
    • Red Cursive Book - Complete to page 38
  • Tuesday Class
  • Print - up to page 31
  • Blue cursive - up to page 55
  • Red cursive - Up to page 37


Native Americans

  • Brainpop Video-Native Americans


  • Native Peoples of the Woodlands - Exploring Our Past 

  • We learned more about adjectives in class.  Adjectives tell us:
    • What kind?
    • Which one?
    • How many?
    • Whose?


  • Multiplication-Times Tables songs

Monday, November 2, 2020

Due Nov. 9th & 10th


November Tuition is due!

Reminder for all class days-- Class begins at 9:00.  Please help me out and avoid dropping off too early.  My helpers don't arrive before 8:45, and drop-offs seem to be showing up earlier and earlier each week.  I promise, I will schedule free times for kids to play during the class day... no need to arrive early to play! :-)  Stated drop-off time is between 8:45 & 9:00.  Thanks!

Our last day of class before Thanksgiving Break is Monday, 11/23.

As stated in last week's Covid Report, we will be ZOOMING in the week after Thanksgiving!  Some people will be visiting, traveling, eating with families, and this will give us a nice buffer before returning to class!  I am doing my best to help our program prevent the dreaded "Two Week Quarantine".... especially during the holidays!


Farm Fusion

  • We learned about adjectives in class. The afternoon class also learned about similes and onomatopoeias. Try to use some of these in this week's story!
  • Here are some story ideas to get you thinking!
    • The goats were out this week! Write a story about a run-away goat!
    • I told you that I put lights on timers out in every single chicken coop to try to get the hens to lay eggs. At 4:00 in the morning, it looks like Las Vegas out there! See if you can use that in a story! :-) 
    • What do you think the animals would be thankful for? Choose an animal and write about it from their point of view.
    • Come up with your own story! 


Handwriting - Parents, especially of students in cursive... please help with at-home assignments! The goal isn't to get it done, but to use this time to improve, learn new letter formation, and fix bad habits. Thanks!

  •   Monday Class
    • Print - pages 26-28
    • Blue Cursive Book - p. 51-53
    • Red Cursive Book - p. 34-36
  • Tuesday Class
    • Print - pages 26-28
    • Blue Cursive Book - pages 51-53
    • Red Cursive Book -  pages 31-34

Optional Activities that Correlate with our Lessons: 

Brainpop video on Arachnids


Try the quiz after watching the video

Brainpop video on Spiders


Try the quiz after watching the video


 Brainpop Video on Similes - https://jr.brainpop.com/readingandwriting/sentence/similes/