Monday, January 29, 2018

To be Completed by Feb. 5th

Bring in a shoebox or a cereal box by class!  We will be decorating and making Valentine's Boxes.

Valentine's Party on Feb 12th!  
Feel free to being in a treat or snack to share.  If you need a copy of the class roster, just let me know!

  • Study your grammar cards!  They should be able to tell you all of the definitions and lists at this point.  If not, make sure they work on them so they don't fall behind!
  • We will be having a big review game (with prizes) soon!  If they are not able to recognize the parts of speech from their grammar cards, it will be a lot less fun!
  • We learned about conjunctions in class, and we added this definition to our grammar card list.  Watch this video about conjunctions!
We talked about "and, but, & or" in class, but there are other conjunctions.  Here are some others:

  • Keep studying your poem!!  You should be close to having the entire thing memorized.  We will be doing a super fun project with it on Feb 12th, so work hard to commit it to memory!

  • You will be putting together your forest habitat flap book this week.  
  • First, read and color the pages.
  • Then, cut and glue the book together.
  • Bring it back to class so we can see them!

  • Complete pages 60-63

  • This week, I want you to think back on all of the things that we learned from our Colonial America unit.  You will be using the folded piece of construction paper in your red folder to complete a "Thank You" activity. 
  • See the instructions below:

  • We are going to do a little bit of non-fiction writing in our journals this week!
  • Here are your choices:
    • In our story, A Mouse Called Wolf, the little mouse's full name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mouse.  He was named after a very famous person!  Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?  Look it up (with help from your parents) and write about him, his accomplishments, and his life.
    • Sometimes fictional stories like A Mouse Called Wolf uses actual places, historical events, or information. Do some research (with your parents' help) and find out if Steinway and Sons is a real piano store.  Write about it and share it with the class next week!
    • In our reading, the little mouse tried to sing for the first time ever.  The song that he was singing was one of the Songs Without Words by Felix Mendelssohn.  With your parents' help, find out about these songs... and listen to them if you can!  Write about the songs and share what you find out in class next week!

Math Enrichment
  • We have now added the 6's song to our list of songs to know!  You guys are doing GREAT!!!  Use your cd or the link at the top of the page... and sing it so often you drive everyone crazy!  :-)

Monday, January 22, 2018

To be Completed by Jan 29th

Dates to Remember:
Bring in a shoebox or a cereal box by class on Feb 5th!  We will be decorating and making Valentine's Boxes.
We will have a Valentine's Party on Feb 12th!  Details to come!
Our end of the year party will be on FRIDAY, May 18th from 11:30-2:00!

  • Study your grammar cards!  They should be able to tell you all of the definitions and lists at this point.  If not, make sure they work on them so they don't fall behind!
  • We will be having a big review game (with prizes) in a couple weeks.  If they are not able to recognize the parts of speech from their grammar cards, it will be a lot less fun!
  • In class, the kids learned the difference between a fragment and a complete sentence.
  • Print and complete this worksheet.  Put it in your folder and bring it to class!

  • Keep studying your poem!!  Some students are almost finished memorizing it, and one has it all the way completed!  We will be making a video with the poem in a few more weeks.  Keep on studying!

  • Read through the packet and answer the questions on the last page.
  • Watch this video for review of the ocean habitat that we talked about in class.

  • Complete pages 56-59

  • If you did not finish your vegetables for your "Stew of Good Manners", color and cut them out at home.  Also, write your bonus rule on the cabbage!  Bring them in to class on Monday and we will add them to your pot!
  • Read the next packet, "What Did Pilgrims Give Us?".
  • Complete the Words to Know page and bring it to class!

  • Our next journal entry will be about the snow!  Write a story about the snow and bring it to class with you on Monday.  Remember to use correct capital letters and punctuation!

Math Enrichment
  • Be sure you can sing the 2's, 3's, 4's, and 5's!  We will be adding the 6's next week!

Monday, January 15, 2018

To Be Completed by 1/22/18

Dates to Remember:
Bring in a shoebox or a cereal box by class on Feb 5th!  We will be decorating and making Valentine's Boxes.
We will have a Valentine's Party on Feb 12th!  Details to come!
Our end of the year party will be on FRIDAY, May 18th from 11:30-2:00!

  • Study your grammar cards!  They should be able to tell you all of the definitions and lists at this point.  If not, make sure they work on them so they don't fall behind!
  • The kids have been working on recognizing adjectives (that describe NOUNS or PRONOUNS) and adverbs (that describe VERBS).  Adverbs can also describe adverbs or other adjectives, but this year we are focusing on those that describe verbs.  
  • Have your child show you their "Animals, Adjectives, and Adverbs" booklet.  Get them to point out the adverbs and the adjectives in each sentence.
  • At home this week, I would like you to point out adverbs and adjectives and talk about the difference.  You can ask them to come up with an adjective to describe the line you're in at the grocery store, an adverb that describes how your cat is playing, etc.  Please integrate this into your week... it will really help them be able to recognize them more easily!
  • We also learned about the 4 types of sentences.  We used the words "statement", "command", "question", and "exclamation".  There are some fancier words that are used that mean the same thing!  Check out this video to learn more!

  • Keep studying your poem!!  You should definitely be able to recite the first 2 stanzas.  If you cannot, then please work on those!  If you can, move on to the next stanza.

  • Puzzle vocabulary:
    • Fit together the word, picture, and definition (just like we did in class).
    • Glue 3 on the front and 3 on the back of two sheets of construction paper.
  • For the frog 🐸 sheet:
    • Use the word bank to label the frog. Then color your frog like a Tree Frog!

  • Look back at the comments that I made in your handwriting books for the last few pages.  Use these notes to help you improve!
  • Complete pages 52-55 before class on Monday.

  • Read the next packet, "Going to School".
  • Complete the Words to Know page and bring it to class!
  • We will be completing our study of Colonial America in the next few weeks.  Next, we will move on to learning about the American Revolution!

  • This week, your journal entry will go along with your science lessons!  Choose one of the following to write about:
    • Imagine that you are a frog in a pond.  Tell about your life and your home.  Use what you learned in science class!
    • Describe the different forms of life that is found in a pond.  Use what you learned in class!

Math Enrichment
  • We will continue to work on the 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s.  I gave each of you a cd to help you learn the songs!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

For Friday, 1/12

For anyone who can make it, we will have a make-up class on Friday from 9:30-2:00!


·   Study your grammar cards! 

·    We learned about contractions before the break. Remember, contractions are when we take two words and we "contract" them, or make them smaller. For example, "were not" becomes "weren't". 
  • Watch this video
  • Now, Try this worksheet.  You may need a parent's help.  We will go over them in class on Friday!


  • Keep working on The Sugar Plum Tree. We will see how much you've memorized on Friday!


  • Bring your butterfly activity to class on Friday.
  • Also, check out this video:


·   Complete pages 49-50


·      Click here to find our new reading packet. You don't have to print this one! Read it and use it to complete the new Words to Know sheet. Bring all of your history work to class so we can add it to your Colonial Notebook. Also, we have a super fun activity planned that goes along with the "Home Sweet Home" packet from last week and this one!

·      Complete your "Words to Know" activity. 


  • Imagine that you were a child during the Colonial Period. Think about the village that we discussed in class and the Village Green. Imagine the meetinghouse in the center of town. Now, I want you to use what you learned in your Home Sweet Home reading and describe your Colonial home.  What is it like?   Tell about it... and use lots of adjectives! (Remember, adjectives are words that describe nouns!)

Math Enrichment
  • We are going to continue to learn skip counting songs!  Listen to the following songs as much as you can between now and Friday!