Monday, November 26, 2018

11/27 - 11/30

Monday FreeRangers
We drew names in class for a Secret Santa gift exchange!  The names are inside your child's folder.  (Limit- $10!)  We'll exchange gifts on 12/10!

      Farm Fusion Journal Assignment (choose one)
      • In class, we learned about guineas and guinea keets.  Then, we talked about different ways to make the long e sound (ie, e, ee, ea, y, ey).  Write 5 sentences that use words that use different ways to make the long e sound!
      • In class, we read the African folktale, "Guinea Fowl and Rabbit Get Justice."  Write your own folktale.  Be sure to make it teach a life lesson!

      Language Arts
      • We learned about helping verbs in class.  Talk about helping verbs when they pop up in your reading or in other subjects!
        • Complete the helping verb worksheet that is in your folder.
        • Study your grammar cards, including the new one on Helping Verbs.
      • Read chapters 10-14 in Mystery in the Amazon Rainforest.
      • Here is a link to the new vocabulary list.  We do activities and review of these words in class, but it really only works if the kids study them at home during the week. (Parents, if you prefer to have the kids look up the words, here is the list!)
        • Machu Picchu
        • lurches
        • Incas
        • mortar
        • deja vu
        • engrossed
        • anticipation
        • excavation
        • quip
        • putrid
        • Keep adding to your field guide as you come across cool things in your reading book!

        • In class, you drew a name of a South American country.  Research this country and come up with a fun way to teach the class what you've learned!  You don't have to make a poster (but you can)!  You are the teacher for up to 10 minutes... so feel free to teach this in any way you'd like!  Want to bring in a map?  Want to print a sheet to pass out to the class?  Want to make a poster?  Want to write down things to say on notecards?  Want to use the whiteboard?  It's totally up to you!  
        • Practice pointing out the South American countries.  Go back and rewatch the videos from previous posts if that helps you!

            • What do you think is going to happen in our science experiment?  We swabbed both the indoor and outdoor doorknobs.  What do you think will happen?  Why do you think that?  Explain.  Do you think the Clorox wipe will really kill the bacteria?  Write down your hypothesis in your science notebook.

              Monday, November 12, 2018

              Due on November 26th

              Monday FreeRangers
              We drew names in class for a Secret Santa gift exchange!  The names are inside your child's folder.  (Limit- $10!)  We'll exchange gifts on 12/10!

              Farm Fusion Journal Assignment

              • How was your Thanksgiving?  Tell us all about it!  You can write it in story form or use acrostic poem sheet that is in your folder.

              Language Arts
              • Talk about linking verbs!  They can be a bit tricky.  They connect nouns or pronouns with either an adjective or another noun/pronoun.  The list for linking verbs is the SAME as the list for state of being verbs, but they are used differently.
                • Examples- I am Bradley.  The cows were tired.  (Both LINKING)
                • I am home.  The cows were there.  (Both STATE OF BEING)
                • If you think your child needs more practice recognizing action verbs and linking verbs, you can use this sheet to review.
              • Read chapters 6-9 in Mystery in the Amazon Rainforest.
              • Here is a link to the new vocabulary list.  We do activities and review of these words in class, but it really only works if the kids study them at home during the week. (Parents, if you prefer to have the kids look up the words, here is the list!)
                • captivated
                • humidity
                • liana
                • nocturnal
                • shaman
              • Keep adding to your field guide as you come across cool things in your reading book!

              Diving Deeper (choose one!)
              • Research and write about the Incas!  Who were they?  Where did they live?  What was their life like?

              • Parents, go over the information on South America that is in the folder.  We'll be focusing on Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay.  
              • Use the coloring map to study the locations of the countries in South America!  
              • Here is a video to help, as well!  See you if you can start pointing out some of the countries on this blank map.

              • Look back through your entire science notebook to review.
              • We're wrapping up our Bacteria Unit once we return from Thanksgiving Break.  Review any material in your science notebook or scan back through BrainPOP to catch up on anything you may have missed! 

              Monday, November 5, 2018

              Assignments for 11/6 - 11/9

              Monday FreeRangers

              Language Arts
              • Study your grammar cards!  You'll be adding a new card to your stack next week: Linking verbs!
                • We talked about linking verbs in class.  They are used to connect a noun to a describing word (it can be another noun or an adjective).  Here is a sheet to help you practice recognizing the difference between linking verbs and action verbs!  (We will check these in class.)  **For some reason, it has a blank page before the page starts!  Not sure why!)**

              • Read chapters 1-5 in Mystery in the Amazon Rainforest.
              • Here is a link to the new vocabulary list.  We do activities and review of these words in class, but it really only works if the kids study them at home during the week.  (Parents, if you prefer to have the kids look up the words, here is the list!  
                • affectionately

              • Add to your field guide!  This book will have so many interesting plants, animals, and places to learn about.  Let's add them to your field guide and share them with your friends in class!
              Diving Deeper (choose one!)
              • What do you know about the rainforest?  Use your knowledge and a little research about this amazing place and share with the class!
              • Imagine that you are standing in the middle of a rainforest.  Write a story about what you see, hear, smell, and feel all around you!  Add a picture if you'd like!


              • In your folder you have a page on Brazil.  Read through the information about this South American country.  We'll be talking about it in class!
              • Use a map, the globe, the video above, or even the map on the back of the Brazil sheet to complete the coloring map.  You'll need to choose a color for each country.  Color in the rectangle on the KEY and then color the country.  Bring these to class in your folder!

              • Look back through your entire science notebook to review.
              • We started learning about bacteria!  Check out this BrainPOP video and activities!
              • In your folder you'll find a virus life cycle sheet that was given in class.  We talked about it, but didn't have time to complete it!  This is just a review of what we have already learned about how viruses replicate.  Just cut out the pictures at the bottom and paste them down, in order.  Then, write a little sentence for each.  You can scroll back to last week's assignment post to find the virus brainpop link if you'd like a refresher!  
                • Cut around the large rectangle and glue this down in your science notebook.  Parents, I can email you an example of the finished product, if needed!
              • There is a sheet in your folder with different types of viruses and bacteria.  Feel free to color and add the virus and bacteria if you want.
              • Read through the little booklet in your science journal on germs.  This is just for fun.... but you can do the activities if you'd like!

              Farm Fusion Journal Assignment  Choices
              • We talked about turkeys in class!  Write a story about a turkey.... you can get creative!  (Try to use some of the "Turkey Terms" you learned in class!)
              • Why do we eat turkey on Thanksgiving?  Write about the first thanksgiving, why it is celebrated, and what it may have been like!