Monday FreeRangers
If you need a book report card, just ask in class! These are much larger than typical index cards so they fit in the plastic sleeves in our class book review folder. (They are 5" x 8")
REMINDER-- There will be NO CLASS next week!
If you didn't pay tuition in class on 10/1, please send it in via mail, paypal, or drop by and put it in the box prior to 10/5.
Language Arts
- Read chapters 15-22 in Northern Lights.
- When you learn about a plant, animal, place/landform, add it to your (field guide.
- Here are some ideas of things you can add this week. Remember, don't just make a list.... use this to jot down research, draw pictures, print and paste info/pictures, etc!
- Earth/Sun Rotation
- Arctic Circle
- Canada Provinces
- Husky Dogs / Dog Sledding
- Science Behind the Northern Lights
- Capilano Suspension Bridge
- Douglas Fir
- Maple Syrup
- ★Complete the vocabulary sheet for chapters 15-18 only. Use this as practice looking up words in the dictionary! (Don't worry about writing all of the words in the definition! Find the meaning that our author is using in the book and just write it in your own words.)
- Here is a link for a Quizlet set based on these words. Use the flashcards or games to help practice the vocabulary words!
- ★Diving Deeper Journal Entry - Research the history of dogsledding. Write about what you learn and share them with the class!
- Keep practicing pointing out different types of nouns at home. Parents, keep working on common and proper nouns. Point them out when you can!
- You now have 4 grammar cards. Look through and study them at home. We'll be adding more and more throughout the year... if you study a little bit each week it will work!
- We'll be learning the four types of verbs, but at first we will focus on ACTION VERBS.
- Play this verb game! Click on the balloons with the action verb inside.
Each student was given a different country in North America. They will be working on a poster that tells about their country! Make sure the title is large and easy to read. You don't have to use the pages that I send home. Check out books, watch videos, use websites... just learn and share! :-) I'm encouraging neatness and trying to help each child get used to turning in his or her best work! Please bring these to class on 10/15!
The poster can include:
The poster can include:
- Name of country
- location
- flag
- type of government / leaders
- special holidays
- foods & customs
- languages
- history
- In science, we have been talking about Classification on Living Things. The levels of classification are in the picture shown. Mnemonics are used to help us remember things like this! They use the first letter of each item to help us remember them, in order. Here are some examples of mnemonics to help us remember the levels of classification:
- Dear King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti
- Do Kids Play Chess On Fine Glass Surfaces?
- Definitely Keep Ponds Clean Or Frogs Get Sick!
- You have a sheet in your yellow folder that has the different levels of classification on it. In the center of the triangle, either write one of these Mnemonics (down the page) or come up with your own! Don't cut anything... Just bring it to class and we will add it to your Interactive Science Notebooks!

- Please look over your imaginary animal writing assignment. Add a name, if needed. Also, create more details if you need to. Remember, we need to know what it looks like, what type of skin/fur/feathers it has, where it lives, what it eats.... everything! We will be headed back into our imaginary world after the break, and we will be making our very own classification system for these creatures!
Farm Fusion Journal Assignment Choices
- This week is up to you! Write ANY story you'd like! BUT.... remember how we talked about being very descriptive when you write (so that people will be able to picture what you are talking about)? Keep that in mind, and try to vividly describe the things that are in your story!
- Snack
- Lunch
- Water Bottle
- Yellow Folder with assignments to turn in
- Tuition
- Green Field Guide Notebook
- Black Science Notebook
- Grammar Cards on Ring
- Northern Lights Book
- Red Writing Journal
- 3-Ring Binder with paper
- Pencil
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